Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ethiopia 2 - So Close, But Not Yet

Excerpt from my journal to Feven:
Thursday, April 5, 2012   9pm 
One more last night we fall asleep just Amber and Zac.  Strange feeling knowing that tomorrow our lives will forever change.  From now on we'll sleep with our ears ready to hear "MAMA!!" or "DADA!" shouted or cried in the middle of the night, or during teenage years sleep lightly until we hear you return home from hanging out with friends.  It's the last night we fall asleep as a family of 2.  So strange.  Most couples do not get to experience or recognize this because they go into labor at some undetermined time.  We know that for sure, this is our last night and tomorrow will be our first night as a family of 3!

Or not.  We learned from our translator on Friday when we were reunited with Feven that we were not to take custody of her that day.  It was painful.  We had waited so long and didn't want to be separated any longer.  However, we had planned a trip for the next day to the orphanage where Feven's mother brought her, and the long trip by car would not be suitable for a small child.  It also wouldn't be wise to take custody of Feven overnight just for Friday night, and then bring her back to the House of Hope for the day on Saturday and pick her up again Saturday night. 

Oh, my heart was hurting when I heard that news.  It felt like someone punched me in the stomach.  I couldn't concentrate on anything anyone said for about an hour after that.  However, one option that was presented to us by our translator was to not take custody of Feven until Monday...4 days after we had arrived in Ethiopia.  I couldn't possibly wait THAT long, so Saturday evening would have to do.

I guess we get one more "last night" as a family of 2.  Goodbye again, my little love.

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