Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ethiopia 2 - Sleeping

A lot of things were overwhelming for Feven that first week we were together in Ethiopia.  As a result, she slept a lot.  Sometimes she'd fall asleep in the carrier when we were out sightseeing and we would transfer her to the bed when we got back at the guest house.

At nighttime we'd put her to bed about 7 or 7:30, wait for her to fall asleep on our bed, and then turn the lights on after she was sleeping.  We'd sit next to her with our books, magazines, or journals, and relax until it was time for us to go to bed.  Notice her good sprawl in this picture.  You can see why she didn't last long in our queen bed once we were home!

And another nap picture.  We loved sitting beside her and watching her sleep.  She is such a miracle to us, and it was special to have that time to soak it in.

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