Thursday, December 20, 2012

The First Tears of Christmas

You know my heart.  You know how I ache for the poor.  I know you will understand why I cried my first tears of Christmas.

Yesterday I received word that my aunt and uncle donated money in my family's honor to Feed My Starving Children to provide an entire box of food (216 meals!) to a family in need.  The beautiful card I received in the mail took me by surprise, but it was the sweet words of explanation written by my family that brought the onset of tears.

I have an overflow of joy in my heart today as I imagine what it will look like when the box of meals is delivered somewhere in the world.  I can picture relief in the worried eyes as hands reach out to accept the food.  I can see excited children gathering around the fire, waiting for the water to boil so they can taste the meal.  I picture their tummies full as they close their eyes for bed tonight.  And looking carefully, I can see a worried forehead wrinkle decrease a bit as the knowledge of food for tomorrow sinks in.  Hope. 

Yes, this is a merry Christmas.  A merry Christmas indeed.

Thank you, my thoughtful relatives.  You have made my Christmas. 

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