Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thank You!

The Spit-Up Game Onesie

Thank you, faithful readers, for taking action on Monday's blog!  Since that post, our family has been able to transfer over $300 to our adoption fund as of tonight.  Glory and praise to God!  He is doing great things!

Here's some interesting data - since I first posted links to my Etsy shop on Monday, the store has had 303 visitors.  With a quick calculation, that means the store is averaging a dollar per visitor.  Permit me for a moment to do some more math.  I know, I know - it's SUMMER!  But I'll do the math and you can just read about it...

I need to sell about $1,700 more to completely sell out of everything in my shop and add a total of $2,000 to our adoption fund.  If the Etsy shop is averaging a dollar per visitor, we need 1,700 more people to walk through its virtual doors.

I'd be so honored if you could post a link to my Etsy shop on your Facebook page or mention it in your blog to help increase the traffic.  And please PRAY that God would move in even bigger ways to move every last card off the shelf.  And don't forget about the fun onesies, either!  I'm including a picture so you can see their cuteness (only to be outdone by the cuteness of my friend's daughter who is the model).

Here is the link for you to copy and paste:

If you need help linking the shop, just give me a shout and I'll walk you through the process.  Again, THANK YOU for your prayers and support.  I feel so small in light of your kindness and generosity.

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