Friday, June 28, 2013

The First Miracle

Guess what happened?!?  I asked for help selling cards and you came to the rescue!  You viewed my shop, purchased cards, and shared the link.  As of this post we have raised $498.50 for our adoption!

That in itself is MUCH to celebrate.  We are a quarter of the way to our goal to completely sell out the Spectrum of Amber Etsy shop and add $2,000 to our adoption fund!

However, it gets so much better...

This week we sent in our first check to our adoption agency.  The check we wrote was for $500.  Five hundred dollars.  Only $1.50 more than what money came in through the Etsy shop this week!

Talk about God our PROVIDER!

No coincidence can explain that.  So many different people ordered different items and different quantities.  There would be no way on earth to plan it so that it came within 2 dollars of the money we needed this week.  Absolutely...hands down...a God thing.  

THANK YOU for being part of the miracle.  You are putting smiles on our faces!

(And if you want to make it a miracle of abundant provision, you have until midnight to purchase one card to push us over the $500 mark!  Then we can say God gave us even MORE than we needed this week!)

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