Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lose a Ton: Trial Day 2

Before I was going to publicly ask others to join me in this endeavor to clean out a literal TON of things from our homes, I wanted to make sure it was actually possible.  I didn't want to ask something that would only frustrate or be sure to fail.

I began a week-long trial run about two weeks ago, and throughout this week, I'll share with you my journal entries from that trial.  If you missed Trial Day 1, click here!

Our group has officially begun but there's still room for more to join!  We have a private Facebook group where we share stories and encourage one another.  Let me know if you want to join the challenge and I'll add you to our group.  It has been a source of much motivation and inspiration!

Our anniversary.  I did not time this well.  Also, a bunch of adoption fundraiser card orders came in, so I was blessed to package cards for hours today.  But it's our anniversary.  Wife fail.

Tonight I went easy - I grabbed the bin of my college textbooks.  I feel sheepish.  However, the point of this endeavor is not to be noble nor to overachieve...the point is to get rid of STUFF.

Parting with my textbooks reminds me why it's hard to part with stuff.  Stuff usually symbolizes other things.  For me, my textbooks symbolized an old dream to be a high school English teacher.  Getting rid of them feels a bit like giving up on that dream, so I kept a few, just in case...

21.2 pounds

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